Businesses in Tarinfell
Need a job? We got you covered, in addition to faction and guild work, businesses around Tarinfell are always looking for helpful employees and owners to run them.
Want to own a business? Let us know you're interested, be active at least two weeks, and you'll likely get it!
Feel free to play as working at the business you have your eye on and show us how you handle things! If an owner is inactive for two weeks (without letting us know what's up), the business will become available. There are no requirements to work at a business, go live your best career dreams!
Wakefield Businesses:
Hospital: Pelor's Hand Infirmary (PHI) - (Available)
Tavern: The Gilded Lady - Jaye (Shaldowsin)
Magic Shoppe: The Black Cauldron - Owned by the Magic Guild
Bakery: The March Hare Bakery & Tea Room - Ithiani Eylwindir (Ladyazmiedel Resident)
Bookshop: Deneir's Discoveries - (available)
Blacksmith: Little Forge, Big Weapons - Bjorin Winterbeard (Mathius Lethecus) & Lochlan Mercer (Morose Voxel)
Candy Shop: Decadent Delights - (Available)
Grocery Store: Nibbles - (Available)
Gym: Homage to Heironeous - Owned by Fighter's Guild
Florist: Ehlonna's Elegance - Philomena (Morgana Hexem)
Tailor: White Rabbit Atelier - (Available)
Mexican restaurant: Orco Loco - (Available)
Barber Shop: Fancy Follicles - (Available)
Japanese Restaurant: Firebug Sushi - (Available)
Arcade: Game spot - (Available)
Pizza Shop: Cadmus's Dragon Fire Pizza - (Available)
Antique/ Pawn/ Fence Shop: Needful Stuff - (Available)
Sex Shop: Dirty Birdy Sex Shop - Allan Bernaise (Ziebzen Uwu)
Drug Den: Fuq'rond Un Findoot - Indie Dune (niko.evergarden)
Brothel/Bathhouse/Tea Room: The Tea Room - Estella Darcy (Pandora Oskar)
General Store: Fruit of The Wilds - (Available)
Tavern: Halfling's Rest - Lavis Valthos (Khetas Nova)
Tree Village Infirmary: - Arya Williams (mikashinichineko)
Don't see something here you would like to run?
Ask us about a business rental!