Combat Rules
Combat on Tarinfell will be cut and dry to make sure things stay fair. All combat will be determined by dice rolls (unless all parties consent to freeform). Combat is divided into two categories: Standard or Charged actions.
Standard actions
A standard action is any kind of combat attack, low level magic or non combative action that will need to be rolled for. Roll 1D10 against your opponent, and they will roll to defend/avoid. Open your hud, click 1D10 and have the results read out loud. These are single-post actions.
Charged actions
While a standard action is a 1D10 roll, you can add accuracy rolls by charging an attack. With each extra 'taking aim' or 'charging a spell' post you add 1D10 to the accuracy of your attack.
(i.e. for 3 extra posts, you'd roll 4D10 which would be defended by a 1D10 defense action)
While charging:
- You must use brackets, i.e. [Charging x spell] to indicate you are charging, otherwise it will be assumed your charge has fizzled out.
- You can be interrupted by being hit. If this happens, your charge is lost and you must restart or choose another spell/attack.
- You may speak/move, but cannot make any other combat actions.
All players start with 6HP by default.
The amount of damage an attack does depends on what you are wielding at the time.
Unarmed attacks (Just you & your fists or feet): 1 DMG
Blunt Weapons (Any one-handed weapon or object that does not have a point or bladed edge): 1 DMG
NPC Attacks (Attacks made by summoned creature, pet, companion, familiar, bodyguard etc): 2 DMG
Ranged Weapons (Anything that has a point or a blade and will be thrown/shot): 2 DMG
Bladed Weapons (Any melee weapon that has a point or a blade): 2 DMG
Racial Abilities/Class Abilities (unless noted otherwise): 2 DMG
Greater Bladed Weapons (Any large two handed weapon with a blade): 3 DMG
Greater Ranged Weapons (Siege weaponry): 3 DMG
Greater Blunt weapons (Any large two handed weapon with no point or blade): 3 DMG
Magic (All damage dealing spells will be noted in your spellbooks): 1-3 DMG
Each Class has a proficiency in one or more of these weapon types. If you are wielding something outside your class’ proficiency, it will only do 1DMG. All weapons used must be visible at the time or in your titler as “Armed with (insert weapon)”.
0HP means you are no longer in combat.
What happens is the choice of the downed player: Most common is you are simply unable to continue participating in combat, or you are K/O incapacitated. If you choose to have your character die for story reasons, you may do so (please see Sim Rules for more information).
Area of Effect Actions
You may only use one AOE spell/skill per encounter.
An AOE action is when an attack is large enough to hit multiple targets at once. These must be announced at the end of your post in brackets, and must be a believable and logical attack (you are not hitting more than one person with just your fist at once). If you post an AOE and announce it at the end of your post, people within a 10M radius (or 20 if referenced otherwise in a spell book) must roll to defend from your attack.
These are noted in spellbooks, but the standard is:
20M AOE Spell (2-post): 1DMG each target
10M AOE Spell (2-post): 2DMG each target
Strong 10M AOE Spell (3-post): 3DMG each target
Using Items in Combat
The using of any item intended to heal or damage in combat will use up your action for that round.
- Player may use only 1 potion per combat encounter (If the spell is in the user's spellbook, this does not apply).
All Magitech used in combat may hold only 1 use of 1 spell before it must be recharged. All spells used in this way must follow casting/combat guidelines for that spell. Must be visible or noted in your titler like a weapon. For more info, see [Magitech page].
- Choose a physical hit OR its spell for a combat action, unless the spell is specific to enhancing that single attack.
- If interrupted, you may try again, but if the spell is cast and misses, the piece is now empty and will need a recharge.
- Each player may only use 1 magitech spell in combat per day (If the spell is in the user's spellbook, this does not apply).
- Castable combat spell must be charged/recharged by a player character with the spell in their spellbook.
Using Racial/Class Abilities
When using racial/class abilities please either reference their use in your post or in brackets at the end of your post. This is to make sure the other player knows what you are doing and what to expect damage wise.
Additional Combatants and Extra HP
With modern times and technology we know it is both easy and logical to call for help. Combat is fun and exciting roleplay to be part of, and we understand that people will want to jump in on the fun, so we offer this rule to help balance things for everyone in the encounter.
- If you call for help/assistance, you must reference this in a post. It will count as an action, meaning you cannot charge or attack while doing this.
- As the person being called for help, we ask that you wait at least one full round before entering roleplay.
- As a singular person being attacked by multiple people you can have the right to additional HP to even the playing field. For each additional person combating you will be awarded 2 extra HP. For Example, if you are being attacked by three people your HP for that encounter will be 10HP.
- If you are the aggressor attacking while there are multiple people present you will not be awarded extra HP, you will only be awarded extra HP if more people join the combat against you after it's begun.
Exiting combat
Standard form for exiting combat is to roll for an escape against your opponent. If you succeed you can run away from combat without pursuit. We do also know that emergencies happen, so do bedtimes. RL comes first always. Please try to roll for an escape if you can, but if you need to go immediately, please express this with those involved that you need to go, no harm no foul.
Magic & Dispelling Magic
Combat ending or higher level magic (noted with * in spellbooks) must spend at least 1 round on charging (At least 2D10 when cast).
Magic used outside of combat & not against another player does not take extra posts to charge unless you wish it to.
Ongoing spells that require focus (i.e. weather control or communication spells) can be interrupted with a hit or dispelled.
Spells cannot be cast while the caster is asleep or incapacitated.
Any spellcasting class may dispel magic, so long as what is being dispelled is in their spellbook. There must be the same number of people (or more) dispelling as there was to cast the original spell. Roll 1d10 per person, per charge. If the sum is greater than the sum of the original cast, the magic is dispelled.
If the spell cast is 1 caster, 1 round (1d10), it can be dispelled by 1 caster, 1 round (1d10).
If the spell cast is 3 casters, 2 rounds (2d10 x 3), it can be dispelled by a minimum of 3 casters ([charge rounds]d10 x 3)
If the spell is old enough that no one remembers the original cast details, it becomes a backstory item and the affected player's choice how it can be dispelled.
Charms - Made by spellcasting classes. May only hold passive spells (spell cannot be cast in rp) (i.e. use Endure Elements like undead magic sunscreen, or Locate Creature like a compass), but these have a much longer battery life and may last up to 3 months (We won’t keep track of these, but use this to promote your own rp!). Charms need to be recharged by any magic user capable of the charm’s function.
Potions - Made by spellcasting classes. May come in liquid, cream, gel or powder form and may be applied topically or ingested. Potions are single-use spells and may be made in batches up to 3. Spell must be something within the creator’s spellbook that can be cast on a person, single target. First post use it, next post they take effect.