Dangerous substances
​​Wolfsbane is a plant that causes a severe rash to any wolf that touches it and can prove fatal if ingested. Small amounts will poison, and even moderate amounts can kill. It will also deter any wolf nearby as the smell is terrible towards the wolves senses.
It is a rare plant that is difficult to find in Tarinfell, growing extremely sparsely and in very few areas. Often it is eradicated where it grows due to the population of wolves being fairly large throughout the land. It can be purchased from traders and certain individuals though.​​
​Silver is a metal that is hazardous to all wolf kind and other lycanthropic creatures. It can cause mild to severe burns if touched, cause poisoning if it comes in contact with the blood stream, and can lead to death if it is not treated. It prevents fast regeneration and will not heal normally, but require magical healing. If the creature is poisoned by it, only those with healing magic can neutralize the poison.
Silver can be difficult to come by, and in order to refine it via metallurgy, one must have an experienced blacksmith to aid in the process to create the alchemical silver for silvered weapons. It can also be ground into dust or shavings, though while they are likelier to guarantee poisoning they are not as effective as solid silver as the true silver content is lower.
Silver coins might be uncomfortable to handle for some lycanthropes, though the silver content is low enough in them that it does not cause actual physical harm or damage to them.
​Dragonsbane is a type of mineral that reacts with dragons in much the same manner as silver does for wolves. It can cause mild to severe burns if touched, and can cause poisoning if it comes in contact with the blood, or if dust is inhaled. It can be fatal if the poison is left to linger.
It is difficult to come by, as it is fairly rare, and expensive if purchased. It takes a skilled blacksmith to be able to refine and blend into metal to coat weapons with.
Cold Iron
Cold iron eats at magic. It can be fatal to fae kind if exposed to it for too long, and magic users may find themselves powerless against it as it saps at their strength. Any creature that is a being of magic will feel pain as their power is sapped, fae creatures will find their flesh burned and if consumed it is almost guaranteed to be fatal.
Unrefined iron can be fairly easily found, and can be potentially harmful to creatures of magic, but is often so diluted within normal rock and stone that it will do little damage. Iron from deeper beneath the earth is often more potent as well. It requires a skilled weapon smith to shape into anything useful as it must be forged at low temperatures to preserve its properties, which will fade and become mundane if the process is at all botched.