Proficient in unarmed, blunt & bladed weapons
(See [Combat Rules] for weapon info)
Combat Abilities:
Unarmed strike (Passive): Someone catching a Monk’s hands and feets will receive the same amount of damage that a bladed weapon would do.
Slow fall: If A monk is falling and in arm’s reach of a wall they can use the wall to slow down their descent.
Disease Immunity (Passive): All monks are immune to natural disease. They can still be affected by magical disease.
Wholeness of Body: Monks can use a turn to cure the wounds on their own body. (2 HP in combat, must roll against attacker for success.)
Wholeness of Mind: A monk can lead up to 3 others in a meditation scene. Helps mend mental damage (trauma, insanity, memory loss, etc) and damaged spirit or souls. Everyone participating gains the benefit, and what is fixed is up to the players involved.
Empty Body: Once per day, a Monk may go ethereal for one round. This once-per day move does not require a roll for success. During this round they will not take any damage if hit.
Tongue of the Sun and the Moon: Once per day the Monk can speak to any living creature.
Quivering palm: At Will a Monk can use their fist to send vibrations through a person or object. Victim of this attack will be dealt with sonic damage. (2DMG)
Pressure Point: Monks know just where to hit to cause local paralysis. (Lasts 2 rounds. If hit twice in the same place, area is paralyzed until cured or combat ends.)