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Character Creation
Already read our sim rules, combat rules, and like the sim? Awesome! Let's get you a character!
Step 1: Choose A Race
Choose a race/sub-race to play!
Starting racial traits are on the Playable Races page. You may consider ways to be more creative with this as you make your character, but we prefer to let you get settled and familiar with the system before having to make decisions.
Step 2: Choose A Class
Choose your class and your spells/abilities!
Your class is what will effect combat the most. Do you want to focus on dealing damage, support, or maybe tanking? Take a look over our class options (Character creation dropdown above) and see what fits your character best. Remember, if a class doesn't work out for you, we allow class changes later on (Just don't make it a regular thing please!).
Have a question? Feel free to ask in our Discord, or message a Staff Member inworld.
Step 3: Submit Your Application
Once you're ready, fill out the application and submit!
That's it, once you've submitted an app (no need to wait to be accepted), get out there and have fun roleplaying \o/
Welcome to Tarinfell, A New Era!