Greater, Intermediate & Lesser
Deities by Alignment
Note: Red Deities channel dark divine energy and are able to heal undead instead of the living.
Lawful Good
Lesser Deity
Oeridian god of Reason, Intellect, and Study
Symbol: A phoenix-feather quill, or an open white book.
Favoured Weapon: Dart
Intermediate Deity
Chivalry, Justice, Honour, War, Daring, Valor
Symbol: Lightning bolt clutched in a fist
Favoured Weapon: Battleaxe or Longsword
Greater Dwarven Deity
Greater God of all Dwarves, Creation, Smithing, Protection, Metalcraft, Stonework
Symbol: Hammer and anvil
Favoured Weapon: “Soulhammer” (Warhammer)
Lesser Deity
Peace, Reason, Serenity
Symbol: Heart-shaped mask with a calm expression, or white heart
Favoured Weapon: Light Mace
Saint Cuthbert
Intermediate Deity
Common Sense, Wisdom, Honesty, Truth, Discipline
Symbol: A starburst of rubies, a wooden billet, or a crumpled hat
Favoured Weapon: Club or Mace
Greater Halfling Deity
Greater Goddess of all Halflings, Law, Protection, Fertility, Family, Creation
Symbol: Cornucopia on a shield
Favoured Weapon: “Hornblade” (Short sword)
Neutral Good
Intermediate Deity
Forests, Woodlands, Flora, Fauna, Fertility
Symbol: Unicorn
Favoured Weapons: Longbow and Longsword
Lesser Deity
Art, Inspiration, Literature, Scribes, Cartography
Symbol: Lit candle above a purple eye
Favoured Weapons: Dagger
Garl Glittergold
Greater Gnome Deity
Greater God of all Gnomes, Protection, humor, trickery, gemcutting, smithing
Symbol: Gold Nugget
Favoured Weapon: Battleaxe
Greater Deity
Sun, Light, Strength, Healing
Symbol: A face in a sun
Favoured Weapon: “Morningstar” (Two-handed mace)
Chaotic Good
Corellon Larethian
Greater Elven Deity
Greater god of all elves, magic, music, arts, crafts, warfare and poetry
Symbol: A crescent moon
Favoured Weapon: Longsword
Intermediate Deity
Athletics, Sports, Brawling, Strength, and Courage
Symbol: An eight-pointed star, assembled from four spears and four maces
Favoured Weapon: Greatsword
Lesser Deity
Oeridian goddess of Prose, Poetry, Literature, and Art
Symbol: An illustrated book
Favoured Weapon: Rapier
Greater Deity
Beauty, Love, Passion, Pleasure, Charm
Symbol: Face of a red-haired, ivory-skinned beautiful woman
Favoured Weapon: Whip
Lesser Deity
Individuality, Liberty, Retribution, Protection, Self Defense
Symbol: Triskelion
Favoured Weapon: Shortspear, Longsword, Greatclub
Lawful Neutral
Lesser Deity
Oeridian god of Time, Infinity, and Continuity
Symbol: A rounded hourglass set on its side
Favoured Weapon: Quarterstaff
Lesser Deity
Constructs, Law, Forging, Math
Symbol: A black square with a white diamond inside a gray circle
Favoured Weapon: Gauntlets
Lesser Deity
Revenge, Retribution, Poetic Justice
Symbol: A coin with a two-faced head.
Favored Weapon: Retribution's Sting (Javelin of Lightning)
Greater Deity
Death, the Dead, Fate, Law
Symbol: Skeletal arm holding up scales in balance
Favoured Weapon: “Fatal Touch” (Bastard sword)
Lesser Deity
Goddess of sea voyages, ships, and sailors
Symbol: A barracuda or a sperm whale
Favoured Weapon: Trident
Wee Jas
Intermediate Deity
Death, Magic, Vanity, Law
Symbol: Red Skull
Favoured Weapon: Dagger
True Neutral
Greater Deity
Magic, Arcane Knowledge, Balance, Foresight
Symbol: Eye inside a pentagon
Favoured Weapon: Quarterstaff
Lesser Deity
Suel goddess of Insects and Industriousness
Symbol: A giant wasp in front of an insect swarm
Favoured Weapon: Quarterstaff
Evening Glory
Lesser Deity
Beauty, Eternal Love, Immortality, Vampires and Undeath
Symbol: An open hand with a heart shaped hole in the palm
Favoured Weapon: Longsword
Intermediate Deity
Horizons, Distance, Travel, Roads
Symbol: Disk with a curved line representing the horizon, with a crescent above it
Favoured Weapon: Quarterstaff
Lesser Deity
Baklunish goddess of Lakes, Rivers, Wells, and Streams
Symbol: Waterspout
Favoured Weapon: Spear
Lesser Deity
Fate, Destiny, Divination, Future, Honesty
Symbol: Gold Spindle
Favoured Weapon: Net
Lesser Deity
Fire, Volcanoes, Wrath, Anger, and Quarrels
Symbol: Volcano
Favoured Weapon: Quarterstaff
Lesser Deity
Baklunish god of Trade, Negotiation, Ventures, Appraisal, and Reciprocity
Symbol: A set of scales
Favoured Weapon: Dagger
Intermediate Deity
Nature, Woodlands, Hunting, Beasts
Symbol: A mask of oak leaves and acorns
Favoured Weapon: Quarterstaff
Chaotic Neutral
Lesser Deity
Beasts and Strength
Symbol: A wolf holding a sword in his mouth
Favoured Weapon: Great Sword
Lesser Deity
Luck, Gambling, Risks
Symbol: Pair of eight sided dice
Favoured Weapon: Dagger
Intermediate Deity
Music, Revelry, Wine, Rogues, Humour, Tricks
Symbol: Black and White split mask, the number 9
Favoured Weapon: Rapier
Lesser Deity
Seas, Sea-life, Salt, Weather, Navigation
Symbol: A cresting wave
Favoured Weapon: Trident
Lawful EviL
Lesser Deity
Contracts, Slavery, Pride, Tyranny
Symbol: Three inverted triangles
Favoured Weapon: Ruby scepter
Lesser Deity
War, Duels, Invasion, Domination, Honor, Slaughter
Symbol: A block with iron spikes
Favoured Weapon: Great Cleaver or Bastard Sword
Intermediate Deity
War, Discord, Massacres, Conflict, Fitness, Tyranny
Symbol: Black, spiked gauntlet holding spiked arrows
Favoured Weapon: Flail
Neutral Evil
Lesser Deity
Interrogation, torture, and execution
Symbol: A drop of blood bound in gold chains
Favoured Weapon: “Scalpel” Shortsword
Greater Deity
Death, Darkness, Murder, the Underworld
Symbol: Skull and scythe
Favoured Weapon: Scythe
Lesser Deity
Decay, Entropy, Insanity, Cold
Symbol: Black spiral
Favoured Weapon: Dagger
Lesser Deity
Destructive and Evil Secrets, Magic, Hidden Knowledge, Intrigue
Symbol: An eye in the palm of a left hand
Favoured Weapon: Dagger
Chaotic Evil
Lesser Deity
Malice, Caves, and Pits
Symbol: Set of opened fangs poised to bit
Favoured Weapon: spiked gauntlet
Intermediate Deity
Mischief, Misfortune, Bad Luck, Accidents
Symbol: Black antlers on a red field
Favoured Weapon: Scourge
Greater God
Murder, Strife, Lies, Intrigue, Deception, Illusion
Symbol: A black sun with a skull at its center
Favoured Weapon: Longsword
Intermediate Deity
Hate, Envy, Malice, Panic, Ugliness, Slaughter
Symbol: A bestial mask representing Erythnul's changing visage
Favoured Weapon: Warmace
Greater Orc Deity
Greater God of Orcs, Conquest, Strength, Survival, Territory
Symbol: An empty eye socket
Favoured Weapon: “The Bloodspear” (Longspear)
Lesser Deity
Deceit, Suffering, Tyranny, Oppression, Pain
Symbol: A grinning skull
Favoured Weapon: Greatsword
Greater/Drow/Underdark Deity
Greater Goddess of all Drow, Spiders, darkness, destruction, assassins, trickery
Symbol: Black spider with a skull
Favoured Weapon: Dagger
Greater Dragon Deity
Intermediate Goddess of Evil (Chromatic) Dragons, Destruction, Conquest, Greed, Tyranny, Cruelty
Symbol: Five dragon heads in a wheel
Favoured Weapon: “Dragon Head” (Two-handed pick)
Racial Deities
Dragon Deities
Aasterinian - Demigoddess of play, invention and pleasure.Messenger of love.
Astilabor - Lesser goddess of acquisitiveness, status and wealth.
Bahamut - Intermediate god good (metallic dragons and the wind.
Chronepsis - Lesser god of fate, death and judgment.
Faluzure - Lesser god of energy draining, undeath, decay and exhaustion.
Garyx - Lesser god of fire, destruction and renewal.
Hlal - Lesser god of humor, storytelling and inspiration.
Io - Greater god of dragonkind, balance and peace.
Lendys - Lesser god of balance and justice.
Sardior - Lesser dragon god of psionics, secrets, and the night..
Tamara - Lesser goddess of life, light and mercy
Tiamat - Intermediate goddess of evil (chromatic) dragons, conquest, greed, and cruelty.
Drow Deities
Eilistraee - Lesser goddess of good (renegade) drow.
Kiaransalee - Demigoddess of undead and vengeance.
Lolth - Greater goddess of all drow, spiders, evil, darkness, chaos and assassins (also a core power and a non-deity power).
Vhaeraun - Lesser god of male drow, thievery and evil activity on the surface.
Zinzerena - Demigoddess of chaos and assassins.
Dwarven Deities
Abbathor - Intermediate god of greed.
Berronar Truesilver - Intermediate goddess of safety, truth, home and healing.
Clanggedin Silverbeard - Intermediate god of battle and war.
Dugmaren Brightmantle - Lesser god of scholarship, discovery and invention.
Dumathoin - Intermediate god of exploration and mining.
Hanseath - Lesser god of war, carousing and alcohol.
Laduguer - Intermediate god of magic weapons, artisans, magic and duergar.
Moradin - Greater god of all dwarves, creation, smithing, protection, metal craft and stonework (also a core power).
Muamman Duathal - Lesser god of expatriates, urban dwarves, travelers and exiles.
Mya - Greater goddess of clan, family and wisdom.
Roknar - Lesser god of greed, intrigue, lies and earth.
Tharmekhûl - Demigod of the forge, fire and warfare.
Thautam - Intermediate god of magic and darkness.
Valkauna - Intermediate goddess of oaths, death and birth.
Vergadain - Intermediate god of wealth and luck.
Elven Deities
Alobal Lorfiril - Demigod of hedonism, mirth, magic and revelry.
Aerdrie Faenya - Intermediate goddess of air, weather, avians, rain and fertility.
Corellon Larethian - Greater god of all elves, magic, music, arts, crafts, warfare and poetry (also a core power).
Deep Sashelas - Intermediate god of aquatic elves, oceans, knowledge, beauty and water magic.
Elebrin Liothiel - Intermediate god of nature, gardens, orchards and harvest.
Erevan Ilesere - Intermediate god of mischief, change and rogues.
Fenmarel Mestarine - Lesser deity of wild elves, outcasts, scapegoats and isolation.
Hanali Celanil - Intermediate goddess of love, romance, beauty, fine art and artists.
Labelas Enoreth - Intermediate god of time, longevity and history.
Rillifane Rallathil - Intermediate god of wood elves, woodlands, nature and druids.
Sehanine Moonbow - Intermediate goddess of mysticism, dreams, far journeys, death, full moons and transcendence.
Solonor Thelandira - Intermediate god of archery, hunting and wilderness survival.
Vandria Gilmadrith - Intermediate goddess of war, guardianship, justice, grief, vigilance and decisions.
Fae Deities
Caoimhin - Demigod of killmoulis, food, shyness and friendship.
Damh - Lesser god of korreds, satyrs, atomies, dance, song, and celebrations.
Eachthighern - Lesser god of unicorns, pegasi, healing, loyalty and protection.
Emmantiensien - Lesser god of treants, trees, and deep and hidden magic.
Fionnghuala - Demigoddess of swanmays, communications and sorority.
Nathair Sgiathach - Intermediate god of pseudodragons, faerie dragons, sprites, pixies, grigs, mischief and pranks.
Oberon - Lesser god of nature, wild places and animals. Titania's consort.
Skerrit - Lesser god of centaurs, community and natural balances.
Squelaiche - Demigod of leprechauns, trickery and illusions.
Titania - Greater goddess of all Fey, their realms, friendship and magic. Leader of the Seelie Court and consort to Oberon.
Verenestra - Lesser goddess of dryads, nymphs, sylphs, female fey, charm and beauty.
Giant Deities
Annam - Greater god of all giants, magic, knowledge, fertility and philosophy.
Grolantor - Intermediate god of hill giants, ettins, hunting and combat.
Hiatea - Greater goddess of female giants, nature, agriculture, hunting and children.
Iallanis - Lesser goddess of good giants, love, mercy and beauty.
Karontor - Lesser god of fomorians, deformity, hatred and beasts.
Memnor - Intermediate god of pride, mental prowess and control.
Skoraeus Stonebones - Intermediate god of stone giants.
Stronmaus - Greater god of cloud giants, storm giants, sun, sky, weather and joy.
Surtr - Intermediate god of fire giants
Thrym - Intermediate god of good frost giants, cold, ice and magic.
Gnome Deities
Baervan Wildwanderer - Intermediate god of forests, nature and travel.
Baravar Cloakshadow - Lesser god of illusions, protection, deception and hatred of goblinoids.
Callarduran Smoothhands - Intermediate god of earth, good, healing and protection.
Flandal Steelskin - Intermediate god of mining, smithing and fitness.
Gaerdal Ironhand - Lesser god of protection, vigilance and combat.
Garl Glittergold - Greater god of all gnomes, protection, humor, trickery, gem cutting and smithing (also a core power).
Gelf Darkhearth - Intermediate god of entropy and revenge.
The Glutton - Lesser god of disaster and greed.
Ril Cleverthrush - Lesser god of invention, creation and sky.
Segojan Earthcaller - Intermediate god of earth and nature.
Sheyanna Flaxenstrand - Intermediate goddess of love, beauty and passion.
Urdlen - Intermediate god of greed, blood lust, evil, hatred and blind destruction.
Goblin Deities
Bargrivyek - Lesser god of cooperation and territory.
Khurgorbaeyag - Lesser god of slavery, oppression and morale.
Maglubiyet - Greater god of all goblins and goblinoids, war and rulership.
Nomog-Geaya - God of hobgoblins, war and authority.
Goliath Deities
Kavaki - The Ram-Lord, greater god of goliaths and competition.
Kuliak - The Dead Goddess, demigoddess of the dead and exiles.
Manethak - The Wise Hunter, intermediate god of hunting and lore.
Naki-Uthai - The Brave Climber, lesser god of mountains, climbing and bravery.
Theleya - The Fertile One, intermediate goddess of fertility and growth.
Vanua - The Harbinger of Woe, lesser god of natural disasters and misfortune.
Halfling Deities
Arvoreen - Intermediate goddess of protection, vigilance and war.
Brandobaris - Lesser god of stealth, thieves and adventuring. Brandobaris' clerics wear gray leather armor and feathered caps. His sacred animal is the mouse. His holy days are on the new moon. Stolen items are sacrificed to him monthly.
Cyrrollalee - Intermediate goddess of friendship, trust and home.
Dallah Thaun - Intermediate goddess of halflings, secrets, guile, thieves and rogues, acquisition of wealth and death; she is the darker aspect of Yondalla.
Sheela Peryroyl - Intermediate goddess of nature, agriculture and weather.
Urogalan - Demigod of earth, death and protection of the dead.
Yondalla - Greater goddess of all halflings, family, good, halfling, law and protection (also a core power).
Lycanthrope Deities
Balador - Lesser god of werebears, protection and fraternity.
Daragor - Lesser god of werewolves, marauding beasts, bloodlust and pain.
Karaan - God of lycanthropy, cannibalism, wild savagery, and urban decay.
Ferrix - Lesser god of weretigers, play, curiosity and hunting.
Squerrik - Lesser god of wererats, thievery, disguise and concealment.
Orcish Deities
Bahgtru - Intermediate god of strength and combat.
Gruumsh - Greater god of all orcs, conquest, strength, survival and territory (also a core power).
Ilneval - Intermediate god of warfare.
Luthic - Lesser goddess of female orcs, fertility, medicine and servitude.
Shargaas - Intermediate god of darkness and thieves.
Yurtrus - Intermediate god of death and disease.