Adventurer's GUILD

The Adventurer's Guild is a combination of the Magic Guild and the Fighter's guild, original guilds founded by Tain Talethas and Gul Gro Lorga in the year 1251. The Adventurer's guild's purpose is to seek adventure wherever that may be. Assisting the people of Tarinfell wherever they can, and also to serve as Tarinfell's number one sporting league for dueling. Be it magic or melee, everyone has a purpose in the Adventurer's Guild!
- Challenger: This is the starting rank for everyone who joins the guild. Those with a determination to prove themselves and a thirst for adventure will find that they advance to the next level quickly.
- Daredevil: These adventurers are starting to get the hang of the Guild life and have some accomplishments under their belts. Those who held middle ranks in the magic or fighter’s guilds are grandfathered into this rank.
- Stalwart: Tougher and cleverer than your average joe, these adventurers have displayed an aptitude for the rigors of advancement. They have proved their capabilities at completing quests, solving problems, and pulling their weight in events. Those who held upper ranks in the magic or fighter’s guilds are grandfathered into this rank.
- Visionary: These adventures are an inspiration to the rest, they have gone above and beyond the expectations for a well-versed guild member. Not only do they know their way around a duel but their presence in any party is enviable.
- Paragon: A true Hero of Tarinfell, these adventurers are leaders both in the Guild and in their community. Their deeds are the stuff of future legends and their refusal to balk at danger and daunting tasks has earned them wealth and unique items.

The Magic Guild is an ancient order of Magic Users founded by Tain Talethras in 1251. The goals of the Magic Guild is to provide a space of refuge and knowledge for all magic users. They provide classes for novices, offer workshop spaces and materials for magic users to practice their craft and they service the community for any and all magical needs (For a price of course) They are sometimes called upon by members of W.A.G to solve magical maintenance issues to which the magic guild members will come for a high fee.
- Archmage: This is the senior most member of the Magic guild, he will oversee Novices getting a proper tutor to learn magic, that supplies are replenished on a regular basis, and oversee job orders and dispatch mages to on site job locations.
- Council: This is considered the highest ranking member below the archmage, these people will advise and assist the archmage in their duties, run classes, oversee jobs and run the day to day of the guild.
- Expert: When an Adept has shown an interest, aptitude, and talent for a specific type of magic and have outgrown their lessons, they can progress on to being an Expert. This means they have refined their skills in one or two specific areas of study but have not yet mastered all of them.
- Enforcer: A branch of the Magic Guild devoted to investigating, tracking down and dealing with those that are reported to be misusing magic, magical items and/or magical creatures. You must be Adept or higher to be eligible for this rank.
- Adept: These are the people who have graduated beyond a novice ranking. They are full members of the guild and will be the ones called on to complete on site jobs. In their free time they have full access to the Guild’s Libraries, Workshops, and Training spaces.
- Novice: These are the newest members of the Magic Guild, no matter how skilled you are as a magic user, all guild members start here. They will learn how to use magic if they do not know how, and learn how the guild functions on a day to day basis. Once they have the lay of the land and are proven to know how to use magic unsupervised, they will graduate to adepts.

W.A.G or the Wakefield Advancement Guild is dedicated to the advancement and maintenance of Tarinfell. This guild will contain skilled magic users and artisan blacksmiths who together engineer the latest technologies for the public to use. Also technology savvy folks are employed to maintain these new technologies. It is common sometimes for the members of W.A.G to outsource some projects to The Magic Guild if they so need. W.A.G. Controls the electricity, internet, and phone lines in Tarinfell.
Foreman: This person oversees the overall running of the Wakefield advancement guild. They will take in job orders, dispatch personnel to job sites, keep up to date with the latest gadgets and gizmos of the outside world and oversee the mass production of any new advancements.
Tinkerer: These people are in charge of taking items from the outside world and figuring out how to engineer it by way of magic.
Artisan: These people are in charge of building and creating the technological advancement that the tinkerers will be imbuing with magic.
Maintenance: These are the workers who will travel to on site job locations to make sure everything is running smoothly and make repairs to anything that needs fixing. They are also the ones that make sure the magic is continually flowing in Tarinfell’s power system.

The Thieves Guild still functions to this day as it did in the olden days, with the added bonus of TECHNOLOGY! That's right, the thieves guild now includes cyber theft to its list of criminal activity. The goal of the thieves guild is pure and simple, gain as much money as possible by ways of stealing from others.
- Guildmaster: Lead, head honcho, the big kahuna, the grand puba.
- Vice: Second In command of the guild, answers only to the guildmaster, also works closely with recruiters to monitor guild member progression..
- Sgt. At Arms: Head of the enforcers. Enforces the guilds laws, and protects the guild from internal and external threats, sees to the training of enforcers, and oversees and members working with enforcers.
- Snr. Member: Senior members are the step above member, sitting on the same level as recruiters and enforcers, though the general duties role of the guild. May work with enforcers, or even with prospects or members to aid in their training and progression.
- Recruiter: Oversees the progression of prospects, eventually nominating them for membership. Also keeping an eye on Hangarounds, for who may be a candidate for possible membership opportunity - whilst not a council role, recruiters inform council roles of potential, and potential direction for Hangrounds, prospects, and members.
- Enforcer: Enforces the guilds laws, and protects the guild from internal and external threats. - may also work with members to train them in the role.
- Member: Full fledged members. May stay at this level, or work with members of higher roles for training and experience in that role, and eventually obtain higher ranking.
- Prospect: Initiate to the guild, works with higher ranking guildmembers to achieve full fledged membership.
- Hangaround: Not a member of the guild, but frequents, and familiar with the Guildhall and its members
*Turn around time for those interested in running a guild or faction is around two weeks, please IM a staff member if you are interested in running one of the guilds or cities.