Wakefield is the Capital City of Tarinfell with Ulfsvild being a suburb of the city. Wakefield is a fast progressing, face paced city where all are welcome. Enjoy a life of modern and old build around the natural beauty of Tarinfell.
Wakefield Laws
1. Respect the Royal Family and their Guards, as well as Nobles and visiting dignitaries.
2. The Reigning Monarch is the final judge in all cases concerning law.
3. Acts of treason will not be tolerated, and punishment will be carried out publicly.
4. An attack on one is an attack on all. No one is left behind.
5. All citizens enjoy protection of their person and autonomy. Feeding upon or subjugating them in any way is prohibited without explicit consent.
6. Follow all orders from Guards within Wakefield, and its suburb, Ulfsvlid. Report all crimes immediately.
7. There is no entrance into jail areas or barracks without the permission of the Regent.
8. Possession of dangerous substances of any kind is prohibited outside the Royal Guard. Dangerous substances include Silver, Dragonsbane, Wolfsbane, and Cold Iron.
9. The sale, import, production, and possession of firearms, magical or mundane, are illegal in Tarinfell. Perpetrators will face a hefty fine and jail time.
10. Drug use is prohibited unless a permit is obtained for medical, religious, or research purposes. Possession for personal use and consumption is punishable by confiscation and rehabilitation. Possession for redistribution and sale is punishable by confiscation, fines, and incarceration, the length and amount of which will be determined by volume and number of offenses.
Marijuana use is legal.
11. Animal abuse will not be tolerated within Wakefield under any circumstance, and felines, as well as birds, are to be held in high regard. Dangerous pets are to be kept safely and their actions are their owner's responsibility. Any person may reasonably defend themselves against an attack by an animal.
12. Hunting may only take place in the Wilds. On full moons, only those in animal form may hunt. All inhabited areas such as Wakefield and Ulfsvild are to be considered safe, non-hunting zones. Hunting of sentient and tame/domesticated animals is forbidden. Sentient creatures should wear brightly colored accessories so as to not be mistaken for normal game.
13. Other common crimes will also be taken into account, such as assault and theft. In the case of petty crime, the apprehending Guard will determine and carry out a suitable punishment.
14. Laws may be amended or added to at any time as deemed necessary by the Wakefield Monarch and their Council.
Wakefield Roles​
High Councilor - The Regent's second in command. When the King isn't available, they speak for him.
Council Members - Appointed by the Regent, act as judges, jury, etc., along with being advisors to the King/Queen.​
Coinmaster - Essentially a treasurer, keeper of the city coin/banker, usually a Council Member.​​
Spies - These people gather information all across Tarinfell and report back to the Regent and their council on what they learn to better help the goals and protection of Wakefield and its citizens.
Knights - Guards who have been charged with protecting the King, the city, and the citizens of Wakefield and Ulfsvild. ​
Merchant - Runs the businesses in the city and in Ulfvild