
Proficient in Unarmed, blunt, ranged & bladed weapons
(See [Combat Rules] for weapon dmg & info)
Combat abilities:
Sneak attack: If your opponent is unaware of your presence IC (you are hiding, or win a hiding roll), you may roll for a sneak attack. If the hit is successful, the opponent will take double damage. Must re-roll for hide-success each round!
Trapfinding: All rogues are able sense and detect traps within a 20m radius of themselves.
Larceny: All rogues are highly skilled in the art of Larceny and (when rolls are relevant) will be able to add a +2 to spying, hiding, lock picking, trapmaking, pickpocketing, and stealing rolls.
Slippery mind: At will, a rogue can roll to wiggle out of the effects of a mind enchantment.
Spider Climb: Able to scale walls and ceilings.
Disguise: Change your appearance (minor, such as hair color), and change voice to seem like a different person.
Hide: Slip behind an obstacle, unnoticed. Hidden until you move, or when you're in plain sight of someone searching.
Silent (Passive): You can move without making a sound.
Whispers: Make a sound or whisper a message that sounds like it's coming from another direction.
Shadows: Create illusionary shadows.
Shadow Slip: (2 post) Slip into shadows and travel unnoticed once within them.
Locks: Pick a lock with anything, no key required!
Snuff: Skillfully put out a small patch of fire.
Smokebomb: Create a 20m cloud of smoke, making it hard to see.