Proficient in Unarmed & blunt weapons
(See [Combat Rules] for weapon info)
Class Abilities:
Spells: All druids may cast spells off the Druid spell list (Natural Magic). Druids do not require a component for their spell casting. The spellbook is the spells your class can use. You decide the flavor of casting and whether to learn each spell over time or know them all as an expert spellcaster from the start.
See the Combat Rules page for how casting works!
Animal companion: Druids may acquire an animal companion (Aquatic druids may have an aquatic companion, but keep in mind your fish friend may not be able to go on land. If the druid releases their companion or it dies, they can acquire a new one through a 24 hr ceremony deep in the woods. (Animal companions are subject to NPC combat rules)
Wild Empathy: Once per day a druid may roll to influence the attitude of an animal domestic or wild (20m max radius for AOE effect)
Trackless step (Passive): A druid cannot be tracked by mundane means. They can leave a trail if they so desire.
Wild Shape: At will, the druid can take on the form of a mundane animal of their choosing and turn back. (Cannot use magic in this form)
Call Lightning: Calls down lightning bolt from the sky. (2DMG)
Blight: Withers one plant or deals damage to a plant creature. (2DMG)
Sunbeam: Beam blinds and deals damage. (2 DMG)
Heat Metal: Make metal so hot it damages those who touch it. (2DMG)
Produce Flame: Fire attack can be touched or thrown. (2DMG)
Fire Seeds: Acorns and berries become grenades and bombs. (2DMG)
Flame Blade: Touch attack deals fire damage. (2DMG)
Flaming Sphere: (2 post) Creates rolling ball of fire (2DMG).
Fire Trap: Opened object deals damage. (2DMG)
Fire Storm:(2 post) Deals fire damage. (3DMG)​
Poison: (2post) Touch attack is poisonous, subject will be incapacitated once combat is over.* (2DMG)
Offense AOE (2-3 Post)
Sunburst: (2 post) Blinds all within 10M, deals damage. (2DMG)
Spike Growth: Creatures within 20M take damage (1DMG).
Spike Stones: Creatures within 20M take damage, may be slowed. (1DMG)
Ice Storm: Hail deals damage in a cylinder 20M across. (1DMG)
​Earthquake:(2 post) Intense tremor shakes 20M radius. (1DMG)
Whirlwind: (3 post) Cyclone deals damage and can pick up creatures. (3DMG)
Wall of Fire: (2 post) Deals fire damage out to everyone in 10m Passing through wall deals 3 damage.* (2-3DMG)
Wall of Thorns: (2 post) Thorns damage anyone who tries to pass*. (2DMG)
Flare: Creates a flash of light, Dazzles one creature for one round.
Animal Trance: (2 post) Fascinates animals.*
Hold Animal: Paralyzes one animal for 1 round.
Snare: (2 post) Creates a magic booby trap.*
Daze/Trap AOE
Sleet Storm: (2 post) Hampers vision and movement.*
Entangle: (2 post) Plants entangle everyone in 20M.*
Gust of Wind: (2 post) Blows away or knocks down smaller creatures in 20M radius.
Hallow: (2 post) Designates location as holy, will keep NPC-Undead and Tainted 20m away from caster.*
Summons (Follow NPC Combat Rules)
Summon Nature’s Ally: Calls an animal to fight with you.
Liveoak: Oak becomes a treant guardian.
Creeping Doom: Swarms of centipedes attack at your command.
Insect Plague: Locust swarms attack creatures. (Swarm acts as 1 NPC)
Animate Plants: One or more plants animate and fight for you.
Changestaff: Your staff becomes a treant on command.
Baleful Polymorph: (2 post) Transforms subject into harmless animal.*
Shapechange: Transforms you into any creature, and change forms once per encounter. Becoming large animals such as bears can deal claw/teeth attacks up to 2DMG.
Animal Shapes: One ally polymorphs into chosen animal.
Cure Light Wounds: Cures 1HP.
Cure Light Wounds, Mass: (2 Post) Cures 1HP to all in 20m.*
Cure Moderate Wounds: (2 post) Cures 2HP.*
Cure Moderate Wounds, Mass: (2 Post) Cures 2HP to all in 20m.*
Cure Serious Wounds: (2 Post) Cures 3HP.*
Goodberry: Summon 3 berries, each cure 1HP when used. (Follow Item-use in Combat Rules)
Heal: Cures all diseases and mental conditions.
Calm Animals: Calms animals.
Atonement: Removes burden of misdeeds from the subject.
Detect Poison: Detects poison in one creature or object.
Delay Poison: Stops poison from harming the subject for 1 IC hour.
Neutralize Poison: Cures subject against poison, detoxifies venom in or on subject.
Endure Elements: Exist comfortably in hot or cold environments.
Water Breathing: Subjects can breathe underwater.
Story-based Spells (Requires OOC Check-In)
Regenerate: (NonCombat) Subject’s severed limbs grow back.
Reincarnate: (NonCombat) Brings dead subject back in a random body. Body can be NPC, any deceased/empty of soul
body of playable race.
Contagion: Infects subject with chosen disease. (NonCombat)
Banishment (3-post): Force taint out of your home plane. See [The Taint]
Speak with Animals: You can communicate with animals.
Animal Messenger: Sends a tiny animal to a specific place.
Speak with Plants: You can talk to normal plants and plant creatures.
Stone Tell: Talk to natural or worked stone.
Awaken: Animal or tree gains human intellect.
Commune with Nature: Learn about terrain for 20M per casting.
Charm Animal: Makes one animal your friend.
Command Plants: (2 post) Sway the actions of one or more plant creatures.*
Control Plants: (2 post) Control actions of one or more plant creatures.*
Dominate Animal: (2 post) Subject animal obeys silent mental commands.*
Antiplant Shell: Keeps animated plants at bay. 20M radius.
Repel Vermin: Insects, spiders, and other vermin stay 10m. away.
Contingency: Sets trigger conditions for another spell.
Mending: Makes minor repairs on an object.
Purify Food and Drink: Purifies food or water.
Animal Growth: One animal doubles in size.
Reduce Animal: Shrinks one willing animal.
Plant Growth: Grows vegetation, improves crops.
Diminish Plants: Reduces size or blights growth of normal plants.
Rusting Grasp: Your touch corrodes iron and alloys.
Control Weather: (2 post) Changes weather in local area. Lasts 1 scene.*
Control Winds: Change wind direction and speed.
Quench: Extinguishes non magical fires or one magic item.
Create Water: Creates 2 gallons of pure water.
Control Water: Raises or lowers bodies of water.
Soften Earth and Stone: Turns stone to clay or dirt to sand or mud.
Meld into Stone: (2 post) You and your gear merge with stone.*​
Stone Shape: Sculpts stone into any shape.
Wall of Stone: (2 post) Creates a stone wall that can be shaped.*
Move Earth: Digs trenches and builds hills.
Transmute Metal to Wood: (2 post) Selected metal within 20M becomes wood.*
Transmute Mud to Rock: Transforms two 10m. cubes.
Transmute Rock to Mud: Transforms two 10m cubes.
Warp Wood: Bends wood (shaft, handle, door, plank).
Wood Shape: Rearranges wooden objects to suit you.
​Repel Wood: Pushes away wooden objects.
Detect Animals or Plants: Detects kinds of animals or plants.
Detect Snares and Pits: Reveals natural or primitive traps.
Detect Magic: Detects spells and magic items within 20m. Reveals strength of spell (how many casters/roll total to dispel).
True Seeing: Lets you see all things as they really are. (2-post when used against another player)
Find the Path: Shows the most direct way to a location.
Know Direction: You discern north.
Scrying: Hear or see at a distance, works through walls within 10m.
Faerie Fire: Outlines subjects with light, canceling blur, concealment, and the like.
Light: Object shines like a torch.
Daylight: 20M radius of bright light.​​
Hide from Animals: Animals can’t perceive one subject.
Pass without Trace: One subject leaves no tracks.
Tree Shape: You look exactly like a tree for 1 hour.
Obscuring Mist: Fog surrounds you. Dissipates after 2 rounds.
Fog Cloud: Fog obscures vision for all those in a 20M radius. Dissipates after 2 rounds.
Jump: Subject can jump higher than normal for their species. Lasts 1 scene.
Spider Climb: Grants ability to walk on walls and ceilings. Lasts 1 scene.
Air Walk: Subject treads on air as if solid. Lasts 1 scene.
Reverse Gravity: (2 post) Objects and creatures fall upward.*
Tree Stride: Step from one tree to another far away. Cannot be used to post into scenes. (20m radius or non combative)
Transport via Plants: Move instantly from one plant to another of the same kind. Cannot be used to post into scenes. (20m radius, more if non combative)
Word of Recall: (NonCombat) Teleports you back to designated place. Cannot be used to post into scenes.
Wind Walk: (2 post) You and your allies turn vaporous and travel fast. Only effects consenting or incapacitated individuals; all must go to the same destination.*
Charms - May only hold passive spells (spell cannot be cast in rp) (i.e. use Endure Elements like undead magic sunscreen, or Locate Creature like a compass), but these have a much longer battery life and may last up to 3 months (We won’t keep track of these, but use this to promote your own rp!). Charms need to be recharged by any magic user capable of the charm’s function.
Potions - May come in liquid, cream, gel or powder form and may be applied topically or ingested. Potions are single-use spells and may be made in batches up to 3. Spell must be something within the creator’s spellbook that can be cast on a person, single target. First post use it, next post they take effect.