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Playable Races
Disclaimer: We at Tarinfell would like to encourage people to be creative with the lore of their characters.
Aside from some basics, we are leaving your racial traits in your hands.
Please choose racial traits within reason (No fire breathing elves, thank you.) If you need a reference, we do loosely follow D&D’ s Lore. Once you feel you are familiar with your character and the sim's lore/mechanics, you may submit your characters' racial traits to a member of staff for approval. Until your traits have been approved, we ask that you only use the racial abilities listed on this page. For more information on writing your own racial traits/abilities, see our guide here.
NOTE: The races with a * have sub-races that should be listed on the application.
Only normal Humans can be turned by Lycan/Sirens/Vampires, and hybrids/half races that are not listed are not allowed.
Thank you for understanding!
- Red - Blue - Emerald
- Green - White - Ruby
- Black - Silver - Sapphire
- Gold - Brass - Topaz
- Bronze - Copper - Opal
- Prismatic - Amethyst
- Shadow - Crystal
- Lung Dragon

Racial Traits
At the age of 18 dragons are considered full adults.
Lifespan is limitless.
Each dragon type has 1 unique breath weapon to aid in its defense (2DMG, 2-post if AOE).
Can fly when wings are out!
Dragons have a half shift and a humanoid form in addition to their true form. See Alternate Forms
Teeth and claws can be used for a 2dmg Unarmed attack.
​Dragonsbane is a type of mineral that can cause mild to severe burns if touched, and can cause poisoning if it comes in contact with the blood, or if dust is inhaled. It can be fatal if the poison is left to linger. See Dangerous Substances


Racial Traits
Once they reach maturity they have a lifespan equal to that of a human.
Will always take after their dragon ancestor in coloring.
They have a breath weapon similar to their their ancestor dragon
Teeth and claws can be used for a 2dmg Unarmed attack.
​Dragonsbane is a type of mineral that reacts with dragons in much the same manner as silver does for wolves.
- Red - Blue - Emerald
- Green - White - Ruby
- Black - Silver - Sapphire
- Gold - Brass - Topaz
- Bronze - Copper - Opal
- Prismatic - Amethyst
- Shadow - Crystal
- Lung Dragon
- Hill Dwarf
- Mountain Dwarf
- Gully Dwarf
- Duergar

Racial Traits
Lifespan for Dwarves is usually 400 years.
Typically excellent forgers and jewelry makers, are able to craft the finest items out of the metals from the land.
Will usually only grow to be 5ft tall
Unable to swim


Racial Traits
Fae ages are incredibly varied.
Most reach full adulthood at 18 years.
Lifespan is limitless.
Fey have the inherent ability to create illusions on themselves and on their surroundings (Glamour). See Alternate Forms
Cold Iron, See Dangerous Substances
Cannot lie
Must always tell the truth

- Bogeyman - Brownie
- Centaur - Dryad
- Faun/Satyr - Gnome
- Gremlins - Kelpie
- Lemkin - Leprechaun
- Nymphs - Pixie
- Pooka - Sylph (basic fairy)
- Sprites - Leanan Sidhe
- Tooth Faeries - Treant
- Sidhe - Wilden - Unicorn

Goliath Racial Traits
Maturity at age 18 and living to 100 years old.
A towering figure, minimum height is usually at 7ft tall.
The cold never bothers a Goliath, many even prefer it.
Friendly and fair competition is one of their driving forces.
The body of a Goliath looks as if they were carved from stone.
Tend to be sluggish during hotter seasons.
Susceptible to things they find artistically pleasing.
Bad swimmers.
Heavy footed due to life in the mountains.

Racial Traits​
At age 18 elves are considered full adults and keep their youthful looks until death.
They begin their Greying, or Golden Years, after 1000 years of age, where they start to slowly age.
Lifespan is ageless, though they slowly shed their physical bodies to become pure magic after a few thousand years if they do not cross to the Summerlands.
Elves need minimal amounts of sleep, entering a trance like meditation for four hours instead.
​Overly sensitive hearing
Slow reproductive rate
Weaker bones than some of the other races.
- Avariel - High Elf
- Aquatic Elf - Lythari
- Wood elf - Half-elf
- Half-orc - Grey Elf
- Drow - Moon Elf
- Baelnorn - Shadar-kai
- Fey'ri

Racial Traits
Reach reach full adulthood at age 18.
The lifespan of 20-50 Years.
Usually, die quite young by means of combat.
Can breathe underwater for short periods of time.
Easily angered, Orcs and other fellow Greenskins tend to have issues controlling their temper.
- Goblin - Hobgoblin
- Orc - Troll
- Ogre

Halfling Racial Traits
A halfling reaches adulthood at the age of 18 and generally lives to 100.
Halflings average about 3 feet tall and weigh about 40 pounds.
Physically weaker than most.
Cannot swim
Cannot see well in the dark.

Racial Traits
Average lifespan is roughly 60-100
Due to magic aiding in living conditions, the lifespan is longer, though it is still rare for one to live beyond 80.
Humans are best at adapting.
*Changeling only* Changeling can take the form of creature they have seen. They will still retain their class and racial skills despite the form they've taken.
*Genasi only* Can manipulate and has resistance to their manifested element. Offensive uses will do 2dmg
Physically weaker than most races.
Shorter lifespans.
Easier to kill.
- Changeling(D&D not Fae) - Human
- Tiefling - Half-Giant
- Mul (Half-dwarf) - Genasi
- Half-elf - Half-Orc
- Aasimar

Racial Traits
Reach reach full adulthood at age 18-20 and live 500-700 years at maximum.
Teeth and claws can be used for a 2dmg Unarmed attack.
If a Human is bitten, the shift occurs on the first full moon afterward.
Can take 4 forms: Humanoid, Lupine (quad) form, war form, and hybrid form.
​Silver can cause mild to severe burns if touched, cause poisoning if it comes in contact with the bloodstream, and can lead to death if it is not treated. It prevents fast regeneration and will not heal normally.
​​Wolfsbane is a plant that causes a severe rash to any wolf that touches it and can prove fatal if ingested. Small amounts will poison, and even moderate amounts can kill. It will also deter any Lycan nearby as the smell is terrible towards the wolves senses. See Dangerous Substances
- Werewolf - Wereboar
- Werebat - Werebear
- Werefox - Werecat (Wild big cats only)
- Werehyena

- Bugbear - Drider
- Gnoll - Kobold
- Minotaur - Harpy
- Griffon

Racial Traits
Limitless lifespan unless met with true death. (decapitation, smiting, destruction of a phylactary etc.)
Though not all, many will need the blood of some kind of creature for nourishment.
Excellent dark vision, able to see without the aid of light in the darkest of caves or densest of forests.
Undead are not born, they are created.
Silver like lycanthrope can burn the flesh of the undead.
Sunlight will burn undead unless they are covered or wearing a charm.
Items of holy meaning to the Undead will cause them pain. Divine heals (Paladin/Cleric) will not work or cause pain.
- Revenant -Spirit Folk
- Shade - Vampire
- Lich - Baelnorn
- Dracolich - Bogeyman

Racial Traits
Lamias reach adulthood at 18 years old and can live to be over 150.
Will have the same coloring and natural markings along their human body to match their animal features.
Speedy, agile and alert.
They come with a glamour that will allow them to have humanoid legs. See Alternate Forms
Colorblind in darkness, can make out shapes but not shades of color.
- Lion - Deer
- Goat - Serpent

Racial Traits
Merfolk reach full adulthood at age 18.
They will appear youthful until death
Lifespan varies from 300-to 1000 years.
Sirens typically live the longest.
Can sprout human legs if needed. See Alternate Forms
Can use their singing voice as a charm spell single target only.
Will need to return to water after 8 hrs or they will dry out.
Takes 2 rounds for their tails to turn into legs
Legs will return to to a tail if the merfolk gets wet.
- Mermaid - Siren
- Triton - Aquatic elves
- Octomer - Selkie

Shifter Racial Traits
They rarely live to be more than 70 years old.
Shifters have access to their baser animalist side, able to shift 1 part of their body to animal features for a short period of time
They will always take after their lycanthrope ancestor, and their shifted featured will reflect their lycanthrope ancestor.
If they have they hands or feet shifted they can make 2dmg attacks while unarmed.
Quicker aging.
Sensitive to strong smells.
Loud noises can disrupt their senses.
Sensitive to bright lights.

Warforge Racial Traits
Limitless lifespan.
Created from wood, metals, and other natural elements.
Do not sleep, instead, they enter a long rest of 6 hours once a week at least. Can still hear things around them.
Resilience to poisons, disease, and magic sleep spells.
Do not need to eat, drink, or breathe.
Still feel pain despite being a creation.
Cannot swim, will sink to the bottom.
Cannot be healed with magic healing, must be repaired.
Must be repaired with the same element they created with.

Warforged /
Living Dolls

(Use subrace section to tell us what kind
of animal you intend to play)
Found a Race? Pick a Class!
**Down the line you may change your class, so long as you roleplay the change to lose your old skills and learn new skills ICly. You may not class-swap during a combat scenario to gain advantage, and you must notify an admin when you swap!