The Undercity
Deep below Wakefield lies the ancient Undercity,
a relic in the modern world, it plays home to those who are down on their luck, the unsavory and the conniving. the perfect place to hide and plan your next nefarious plot.
Undercity Laws
For the citizens:
Listen to your superiors. The leadership of the Undercity has final say. Disobeying or acts of treason will result in public punishment.
Aggression toward the King or Queen will be met with equal or greater aggression.
If you are captured, the UC may or may not try to free you. Best thing to do: Don't Get Caught.
You will keep in-fighting to a minimum. If there is a dispute, you can: seek out a higher ranking member of the city to settle the dispute; fist fight in the town square with witnesses; leave the UC; or let bygones be bygones. If you choose to kill the person you have a dispute with, be prepared to face the consequences.
We all belong to the same city. With that being said, if you see anyone attacking citizens or shops or anything of the sort...step in. Defend your fellow citizens.
Always keep an eye out for anything that will help the city-and yourself. Any interesting gossip or rumors, any Intel, needs to be reported immediately. Who knows, the information you provide, if accurate and of import, might just make you rich. Remember: if you get caught, chances are you will be on your own.
Do what you deem suitable to run your businesses with out infringing on city law. If murdering outsiders to run the meat shop is what you must do, do it. If robbing an outsider blind to pay for merchants unsavory goods to be smuggled in, so be it.
For Visitors:
Mind your step and your words within the city. Insults, aggression and actively hunting bounty hunters will be met with retaliation and/or ejection.
Guards are not for your protection but for the city's.
Theft will be met with any punishment deemed necessary.
Aggression towards any citizen will result in punishment.
You are not, under any circumstances, allowed to enter the Keep without express permission from a higher ranking member of the city.
Undercity Roles
King/Queen: The Ruler of the Undercity and it’s surrounding tunnels. They are the final say on anything to do with the faction, though any new law they make must be approved by the council, to help prevent unneeded laws from happening.
Hand: The head of the Council, acting as the voice of the King or Queen when they are not present or otherwise occupied. The Hand may also pass judgement on those who break laws, acting in concert with the other councilors to be sure that a judgement is fair. The Hand is the second of the faction and has the most authority, second only to the ruler.
Council: The Inner circle of the Undercity, the Council acts as advisors to the King or Queen of the city on all matters. Each one also heads one of the many branches of the city with the following titles; Officers/leads of each branch
The Magistrate: The head of Commerce in the city, also handling the coin the passes through. The Magistrate is also in charge of taxes and the like.
The Inquisitor: The head of the Seekers and the one that leads them to find the items and advancements that would benefit the city.
The Spymaster: The head of the Spies, gathering information and providing it the other branches as needed. The Spymaster is expected to work fairly close with the Inquisitor to point them towards things that need to be claimed for the city.
The First Shield: The head of the Shields, acting as the general of the city. This position is also in charge of training and making sure that the shields are paid correctly and they also oversee the defense of the city.
Trader: Sell your wares! Be it whatever you get your hands on, or your own creations. Everything has a price, of course
Shield: The Guards of the city, entrusted with keeping the city and its people in relative order and protecting it from outside troubles. They are to also understand and uphold the laws of the Undercity, assigning the requisite fines for breaches of the law or arresting the individual responsible.
Spy: You do best finding information from the shadows, the nooks and crannies. You can charm your way into the courts and learn all you can to better aid the Undercity in its current goals.
Seeker: You are to research or devise anything to give the Undercity a one up over the rest of Tarinfell, be it through potions, poisons, magic or even working with the Thieves Guild to steal advancements from other factions. At times you may even be called upon to act as an assassin for those who are causing a bit too much trouble for the city, this comes with rewards equal to the difficulty.